Sunday, March 21, 2010

Latest pictures. There is a little difference. I will keep going. It take a lot to tone several years worth of untone muscles.

Having some mom days! You all know what that is like. Kids and body not wanting to cooperate. But you have to keep pushing. There are a few issues up for discussion though. This Game I have been playing as well as how my half marathon training is going.

The Game. A few more things about this game. You get a meal off during the week and a day off from all rules during the week. One of the basic rules of the eating plan for this game is that you should not be eating any processed foods or adding sugar to anything. You would be surprised what sugar is in when you think it is healthy or OK to eat. I took my meal off on Thursday and you all heard how that went. You would think I would have learned my lesson, right? Well as you can guess I didn't. Here is how it all went down.

On Saturday my husband went to some Hockey games in Detroit with the guys leaving me at home with the kids. Luckily I was able to get my long run in before he left. 7 mile- which by the way I felt awful I am sure because of my messed up day on Thursday and the fact that I was working out with Jillian way more during the week than I should have. Anywho as I am finishing my last half mile, which happens to be up a hill, there are masses of parents, kids, Easter eggs and strollers gathering in the part of the park that I have to go through. I am dodging and running on grass and I just want to yell : GET OUT OF THE WAY PEOPLE I HAVE A HALF MILE TO GO AND I AM TIRED!!!! Of course I didn't but this was what was running through my head.

OK so tired and hungry me gets a call from my partner in this game and we discuss the kids and I going to her house to play and then have dinner. We discuss our dinner options. We thought about having some healthy options and then we settle on, drum roll please....... Steak and Shake! For those of you who like this place you are going good choice and for those of you who don't you are thinking "what are you thinking?" So I looking at the menu and think I may have a grilled chicken and avocado sandwhich- sounds pretty healthy right well it would have been if would have actually gotten it. It just so happens that my partner in this game has a favorite at Steak and Shake and it happens to be mine as well which she is planning on getting. Frisco Melt with cottage cheese and fries. Yumo. Get our meals and head back to feast.

Now let me tell you that the thing that makes the Frisco melt so yummy is the sauce. It is sort of like a creamy french type sauce and it never fails to drip out of the sandwich and then makes the perfect sauce to dip fries into. We ate those sandwiches like it was our last meal. Yummy going down, 30 minutes later not so much. I though the meal off was bad. Ughhhhh. We wanted to curl up in a ball and sleep. On top of that my mouth started to itch and my throat started to feel like it was swelling. Never had that happen before. Needless to say it probably was a good idea that I ran those 7 miles because my meal moved though rather quickly. Have I finally learned the lesson on meals and days off? I think so. I guess we shall see come thing Saturday when we end up at a birthday party.

I want to share with you a little something my partner sent to my husband. Remember trash talk is encouraged in this game. Keeps up the morale of the teams. Here it is

G- gummy worms

I-ice cream

R rice crispy treats

L- Lemon bars

S- slurpiees

R- regular bread

U- ummmm lot and lots of chocolate


E- everything

All the things I want to eat but won't because- GIRLS RULE!!!!

I wish I would have thought of this. By the way the girls are up 17 points after 1 week. The boys are pretty tough now that they have the hang of the game. We shall see what happens after this week.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

So I was able to finish my day strong. Between doing dishes, making dinner, spending some time at the Dr. office for another child's ear, bring husband up to speed on the day's events and practicing a good habit I was able to finish my day back in the game. Chugged the water, which I am sure I will regret when getting up several times to pee tonight, ate the meals and exercised--Jillian and I were able to continue our relationship today:). I feel good.

I do have to say the one great thing about doing the Game On! diet and these workouts is that I have more energy to do all these things in a day and not get frazzled. I used to eat lunch with the kids and then hope they would want to watch a movie in the afternoon so I could just relax on the couch. Now I want to go and do and getting the kids up is the kicker.

So now I will say goodnight to another successful day and see what tomorrow brings.
So this morning was filled with excitement and I haven't even gotten to workout yet. I am behind on my water intake and feel yucky!

My son had a tube removed from his ear this morning. All went well. The surgery was in the am which threw off my day. I usually exercise in the am. gets my day going and I feel good. After the surgery he was hungry and we planned on going out for a special breakfast. I know you are thinking that I am on this diet and not allowed to eat crap so what do we do? You guessed it go and eat crap! All be it good crap. One of the nice things about this diet game is that you get a meal off. 1.5 hours of all you can eat and drink, with the exception of more than one serving of pop or alcohol.

So I look at the menu and think I want to order one of everything for two reasons. 1. I LOVE breakfast and 2. this is my time to eat what I want and enjoy it. I settle on a breakfast of eggs, bacon, hash browns, and two pancakes. The breakfast comes and I realize how much food that is and what a bunch of crap I am putting into my body. I manage to eat about half of it before I feel as though I want to puke or explode, whichever comes first.

The lesson learned from the meal off privilege is to not go overboard. Have something healthy and go for dessert or a favorite drink. Now all I am thinking about is having to eat something in about an hour and how yucky that sounds.

Oh and those pictures on yesterday's blog are at the start of this journey. There will be more to come (beginning of next week). They have been a good motivation for me. I suggest doing this that way you can see results and how far you have come. I will check back later and let you know if I am able to get back on track this afternoon. If not my teammate will kill me.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Hello all you mothers out there and anyone else that may read this. My intent on starting this Blog is to share my story of being a stay at home mom and going through that ever eternal struggle of getting flabby. You all know what I mean. Arms that keep waving even though you have stopped, your nice butt that is now a bleg (that is when your butt runs right down into your leg) and we aren't even going to mention the chest area......

I am in my early 30s and have two children a 6 year old and almost 3 year old. I used to work outside the home and for the past two years have stayed home with my kids. Big adjustment but worth it.

Anyway, I began my journey about a month ago to turn all these "flabby" parts into "fabulous" parts. What is my motivation? First of all my kids. I want to be able to keep up with them and have the energy to want to play with them day after day. Second I have a trip coming up in May and it will be spent on a beach and we all know no one wants to see that in a two piece suit. My next reason is my husband. Even though he loves me the why I am (we all hear this and think blah, blah, blah!) i still want to look and feel like I look good for him. The last reason is so my Wii Fit Plus will stop telling me I am older than I really am! Joking. The real last reason is because I want my body to function the way my mind is telling me it should. And so it begins......

What have I been doing? I bought 2 workout DVD's of Jillian Michaels. 30 day Shred and No more Trouble Spots. Sound good right? Well they are. You see Jillian and I have this love hate relationship. Basically I love to hate a good way. I find myself wanting to cuss her out, and I don't cuss, when she wants me to do a few more reps but I tough it out because if she was really standing in front of me I would probably be crying and she would be yelling. In a loving way of course. :)
I am also training for a Half Marathon. I have been running for about 5 years now with my sister and her group of friends and I go in cycles. Train for something and then quit running till it is time to train again. I do this, I realized because I don't feel good doing it. My body is constantly telling me to stop and I want to go.

As if working out with Jillian and running insane distances each week I have started a diet competition called "The Game On! Diet" It is basically a competition among teams of friends and family members to get healthy and hopefully stay that way. Everything you do, eat and drink gets points. Exercise at least 20 minutes=20 points, eat 5 "sanctioned" meals a day=30 points, drink 3 liters of water a day=10 points (I know that is a lot of water! better stock up on TP). Each team picks a prize they are playing for and the losers have to reward them! It is girls against boys right now and the girls plan on winning. Sorry boys. I encourage all to check out the book. Just search it or go to and see the information.

I have seen some results slowly. My abs are starting to show and my bleg is turning back into two body parts instead of one and I feel stronger. I have more energy and I also feel better when I run. Maybe the flab is turning into fab.?!

My goal in this is to talk to all of you each day and let you know how my journey is going. Thanks goodness my children love to workout with me and I have a wonderful husband that lets me leave the kids with him while I run. So good bye for now and just know that my arm is still waving even though I am done, but not for long!